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retrogate saturn

An Astrologer’s Guide to Navigating the Saturn Retrograde in Pisces

what every sign can expect

retrogate saturn

By Astrologist and Spiritual Counselor Letao Wang

Starting June 29, 2024, until Nov. 15, 2024, Saturn will retrograde in Pisces from 19 degrees back to 12 degrees, and only from February 2025 will it move forward to leave its shadow. As we prepare for this significant but also lengthy astrological event, it’s essential to understand Saturn’s role in both the cosmos and our daily lives, as well as how we can harness its energy to our benefit during this retrograde period.

What Saturn Symbolizes in Astrology and Reality

In astrology, Saturn is known as the taskmaster of the zodiac. It represents structure, discipline, responsibility, and the lessons we must learn over time. Saturn encourages us to establish boundaries, work hard, and face our challenges head-on. In reality, Saturn’s influence is felt in areas of our lives that require perseverance and long-term commitment. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was worshipped as the god of time– it symbolizes the passage of time, the inevitability of growth, and the importance of maturity.

Understanding Saturn Retrograde

Saturn retrograde occurs when the planet appears to move backward in the sky from our perspective on Earth. This astrological event invites us to slow down and reassess the areas of life governed by Saturn, such as our responsibilities, life goals, and the structures we’ve built. Spiritually, Saturn retrograde is a time for inner reflection, revisiting past decisions, and resolving unfinished business. It’s an ideal period to refine our strategies, reinforce our foundations, and embrace the lessons we’ve previously overlooked.

Some of you might ask, what’s the difference between Saturn retrograde and Mercury retrograde? In contrast to Mercury being the God of travel and communication, the reassessment and review required by Saturn usually involves a deeper level of introspection and learning from our past and our psychological patterns.

Letao Wang

What Saturn Retrograde Over the Next 5~6 Months Means for the 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Your natal saturn rules your 10th and 11th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 12th house on your chart. This period will encourage deep introspection and personal growth. Explore your subconscious mind, and work through unresolved issues from the past. Meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices could benefit you much during this introspective time. It is also recommended if you are interested in consulting a professional astrologist or tarot reader for guidance.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Your natal saturn rules your 9th and 10th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 11th house on your chart. Friendships, social networks, and future aspirations are the focus. Reconnect with old friends and reassess where you see yourself heading in the future. Some of the friends you will be reconnecting is either living far away/overseas, or they could be people you have connected through work.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Your natal saturn rules your 8th and 9th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 10th house on your chart. This period might highlight your career and public life. Reassessing your ambitions and professional goals could be necessary to ensure they align with your true values. There is some important cleansing you might want to do to clear out the fear of letting go of an old career path or a friend’s circle.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Your natal saturn rules your 7th and 8th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 9th house on your chart. Expect a focus on your philosophical beliefs, higher education, or travel plans. It’s a time to revisit your long-term aspirations and perhaps adopt a new perspective. Travel could benefit your relationships if you are single.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Your natal saturn rules your 6th and 7th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 8th house on your chart. Financial matters, especially those involving shared resources, will be under review. Use this period to reevaluate joint investments, debts, and intimate relationships. You might also realize that location and travel matters involving work is coming to your focus over the next few months. Make your decisions rationally.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Your natal saturn rules your 5th and 6th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 7th house on your chart. Your close partnerships will come into focus. This is a great opportunity to work through relationship issues and find balance in your personal and professional connections. For some of you, this is to deal with a long distance relationships, or relocation and moving due to marriage or a significant relationship.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your natal saturn rules your 4th and 5th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 6th house on your chart. Health, daily routines, and work-life balance will be key themes. Reflect on your habits and make necessary adjustments to enhance your physical and mental well-being. Health issues or questions come to mind, especially things you have been neglecting. Take extra care of your well-being.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your natal saturn rules your 3rd and 4th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 5th house on your chart. Creative projects, children, and romance might need a second look. Revisit old hobbies, and ensure that your passions are aligned with your current life path. Learn from your past lessons about who to bring into your life as a romantic partner, and you will find the right path ahead.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Your natal saturn rules your 2nd and 3rd astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 4th house on your chart. Family matters and home life will be prominent. Consider how you can strengthen your domestic environment and resolve past issues with family members. Communicating clearly each other’s values and beliefs could help resolve misunderstanding within families and siblings.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Your natal saturn rules your 1st and 2nd astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 3rd house on your chart. Communication, education, and sibling relationships will be under the microscope. It’s a good time to rethink how you express yourself and pursue intellectual pursuits. Be open to express who you are, Capricorn. Understanding can only come to you when they know who you truly are.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Your natal saturn rules your 12th and 1st astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 2nd house on your chart. Financial security and personal values will be highlighted. Reevaluate your spending habits and ensure your financial plans support your long-term goals. Some of you might be considering spending money on properties now, but take your time to evaluate.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Your natal saturn rules your 11th and 12th astrological house, and the retrograde occurs in the 1st house on your chart. Your sense of identity and personal objectives will take center stage. Reflect on your life direction, and be ready to make changes that align with your true self. This is a critical time for Pisces to redefine your identity and who you vision yourself to become. Everything is possible as long as you are committed to your dreams.

General Suggestions for Working with Saturn Retrograde

During Saturn’s retrograde period, it’s beneficial to embrace a reflective and patient mindset. Here are some tips to help you navigate this time:

Revisit Old Projects: Use this time to complete unfinished tasks and refine existing projects.

Set Realistic Goals: Focus on setting practical and attainable objectives.

Practice Patience: Understand that growth and progress may be slower during this period, and that’s okay.

Reflect and Learn: Take time to reflect on past experiences and the lessons they offer.

Strengthen Foundations: Work on building a solid base in various areas of your life, whether it’s your career, home, or personal relationships.


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